Interview with Tolly Dolly Posh
It's that time of the week again!
I am learning so much from this interview series. These women are truly inspiring and so different from each other. What they all have in common is that they have mostly preloved clothing in their wardrobe, proving that no matter your style, age, stage in your life secondhand clothing can most definitely work for you!
This week I am thrilled to have 18 year old sustainable and ethical fashion blogger Tolly aka @tollydollyposh on the blog.
1. When did you first start shopping preloved? Did anything or anyone inspire you to do so?
I've always shopped second-hand. Since as long as I can remember, my mum would take me to charity shops. I've never had any funny feelings towards clothes that other people have worn. Nobody ever made me feel like it was weird or kinda' gross or anything like that, which I will be eternally grateful for. Wearable clothes are wearable clothes - why waste them?
2. What are your top tips for charity/thrift shopping?
Ignore sizes! I tend to just look at everything that is on offer and think about the size once I've picked it out and taken a look at it in greater detail. It gives me the chance to work out whether I could wear it oversized, fitted or even with some adjustment. You can also look out for fabrics and textures which you might be able to upcycle, somehow.
3. What is your best charity/thrift shop find?
My vintage yellow leather jacket! I bought it at a jumble sale in Italy, from an old man's rack of jackets. I was deliberating on whether to get a slightly iridescent blue jacket or a yellow one and my parents swayed me towards the latter. I actually left it on the rail and returned a while later, to find another lady trying it on. She put it back briefly and I ran in and gave an offer (just a few euros of the seller's original price) and it was mine! I wear it so much more than I ever anticipated and it's most definitely had enough wears to cover its €35 price tag.
4. What is the one item you still kick yourself for leaving behind? The one that got away?
I think my brain has probably repressed those memories! I can't quite remember! I'd say most recently it was a pair of pink slip on heels and an extremely vibrant oversized smock dress, both of which I saw in the same charity shop at different times. I think that's one thing I've learned - if you have a strong feeling towards a second-hand item, whether it's a strong sense of not-knowing or a strong sense of liking it but not completely loving it, you should always just take the risk. Lots of items in my wardrobe have unexpectedly become my favourites even when I was so unsure of them at first.
5. Who is your style inspo?
I don't really have one, in all honesty! There's not one person who I look at and wish I could replicate their style and I think I prefer it that way because I love being unique and knowing exactly what I like.
6. What is your best piece of advice for shopping your wardrobe?
Shop less and shop better. Even though second-hand shopping is one of the most sustainable ways to add to your wardrobe, don't just buy something for the sake of it. Add to your wardrobe when you genuinely believe there is something missing - you'll end up enjoying more of the items you already have and appreciating new ones even more.
Thank you so much to Tolly for taking part. If you want to read more interview check out the 'Guest Posts' label!

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